Motion Capture – A Comprehensive Exploration of the Creative Use of Shutter Speed

Eddie Hyde ARPS has been a lifelong photography enthusiast, starting as a small boy with a Kodak Brownie.   He is now an Associate of the RPS and an SPA Judge.  He has been widely published and won many awards:  you can find out more about Eddie from his website here: Eddie Hyde Photography : Eddie Hyde ARPS (

Tonight he will share with us his presentation on Motion Capture.   He will cover a wide range of topics ranging from Motor Sport through cycling, planes, birds of prey, runners, breaking waves, cascading water, and more – sharing the ‘How To…’ and showing the results of varying the shutter speed in order to better tell our story.

This should be a great evening with opportunities to pick up tips and tricks along the way.

Members do not have to sign up:  the zoom link will be sent out to you on the day of the meeting as a matter of course.

Non-members need to sign up and pay a fee, either through Eventbrite – link here or via Meetup – link here.   The zoom link will be sent on the day of the meeting to those who have signed up and paid.


Sep 15 2021


8:00 pm - 10:00 pm


Video Conference