Music Photography – The View from the Pit by Simon Reed ONLINE
Simon Reed is a freelance photographer specialising in Music and Events, based in the Surrey Hills around an hour from London. Most of his images are shot in London and in south coast venues, but he is available to take pictures across the whole of the UK and beyond.
His work has been published in national newspapers and books, his photographs are syndicated worldwide via the WENN picture agency, and he’s also a regular contributor to RockShot music and culture magazine.
Simon says: There aren’t many things I’ve done that compare to the thrill of being between the crowd and the stage in a big theatre with three songs in which to nail your pictures. There are no second chances with this type of photography; you get it right first time, or not at all.
Whilst he is predominantly a live music photographer, he also undertake band and individual portraiture work and really enjoys collaborating with emerging talent.
We think you will find Simon’s talk refreshingly different and appropriate at a time when Festivals are returning, post-pandemic. You can find out more about him on his website here.
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