Wednesday 19th February AT 8.00PM
IN PERSON at The Bell Inn, Hampton
“In My Backyard”
A talk by multi-award-winning photographer Ann Healey.”
Ann is renowned for her nature photography and all the images in this talk were taken within a five-minute walk of her home.
About Annie
Annie has spent the last 15 years gaining her distinctions and accreditations which include: FRPS DPAGB EFIAP/g BPE5*. She had two images shortlisted in the 2021 Close-up Photographer of the Year and in 2022, was shortlisted in the British Wildlife Photography Awards. She is also one of a select 60 photographers to have a print accepted in the prestigious annual Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB) Masters of Print Exhibition, in 2020, 2021 and 2024, winning a Silver Medal for a Judge’s Choice in both 2021 and 2024. Annie is also an assessor on the Royal Photographic Society (RPS) Natural History Associate & Fellowship Panels. You can read more about her and see more of her work here: https://www.
Do come along to what we are sure will be an excellent evening.
On 15th January, members enjoyed a talk by Jonathan Genevaux on Waterscapes:
Jonathan joined the meeting via ZOOM.
A professional landscape photographer with a specialism in waterscapes. For
the past 3 years, Jonathan has been working on a project photographing the waterscapes of the UK, from the intimate Scottish lochs to the cliff tops of Cornwall and Wales, as well as photographing waterscapes of his home region in South-West France.
In this talk, he shared his tips and techniques for landscape and waterscape photography from having a raw idea to editing the final images. Jonathan shared his process for preparing and planning the shoot using maps and online tools, understanding how the light plays with the landscape, analysing the weather forecast, finding a composition, and what camera settings and gear he uses.
A very valuable talk for those who wanted to get deeply involved in landscape and waterscape photography.
Our Annual Exhibition was on show at the Teddington Library until today, 17th February when it will be moved to the Hampton Library until 14th March.
69 images from 12 photographers are on display – many more than in previous years.
A good time was had by all at the very well attended Open Evening as can be seen from the picture below:

Congratulations to Mike Eaton for winning the prize for the best “Panel of Pictures” as voted by those present at the Opening Night 17th January. Mike’s images are varied, beautifully balanced as a set and, well, just stunning!
Below is one of the pictures from his panel:

Second place went to Jacquelin Magney with her panel of sporting images from the Paris Paralympics last summer and third equal were Azalea Dalton and Rosie Littlemore.
There is still time to come along to the Hampton Library, see the images and vote for your favourites!
Wednesday 19th March – Our AGM followed by Picture-sharing. Please come along and support the Society.
Wednesday 16th April – Image selection for our club entry into the SPA Interclub PDI Competition on Saturday 10th May
We look forward to seeing you many of you on Wednesday evening in The Bell. As I am away on holiday this month, Penny will be running the meeting supported by Gokhan.
Any questions please contact me by email in the usual way.
Best tegards, David
David Hicks
Chairman, Hampton Hill Photographic Society