Wednesday 19th March at 9.00pm
IN PERSON at The Bell Inn, Hampton
AGM and Picture Sharing
This month is our AGM and the papers have been sent out previously to members. Come along with your ideas for the Society: what events and genres appeal to you, and, most importantly, are there things you would be prepared to organise (or help organise) for the Society!
Ann Healey FRPS, a well-know nature photographer, presented her talk entitled “In My Backyard” – all images were taken within a five-minute walk of her home. Ann shared in detail her techniques and her close-up images were much admired.
This is now over for another year! It will be taken down on Monday (17th) afternoon and the pictures will all be brought to the meeting on Wednesday for members to collect. Votes to date have been counted, but there may well be more over the weekend so we will not announce the winner/s until the very last vote is cast! The winning images will be on display in Hampton Library before transferring to Teddington for the members of the public to see and enjoy. Time to start thinking about next year?
Wednesday 16th April. Selection for the SPA Inter-club Digital Imaging Competition.
We will need to select 16 images from minimum 6 members (max 3 from any one member) in the Open category and 8 images from minimum 3 members (max 3 from any one member) in the Natura Category. As last year we will arrange a speaker to help select our images. We will send details but please start to prepare your very best images for selection and thus for the competition.
The deadline for the club submitting images to SPA is Saturday 19th April,
SPA / PAGB Awards
Some of you might like to think about working towards a PAGB Qualification. Judy has received a notice from Tim Morland (SPA President) advising that prior to the SPA hosting the Awards for Photographic Merit adjudications (November 22nd, 23rd) they have arranged for a team from the PAGB to deliver an advice workshop on Saturday 24th May for potential applicants and observers Full details of venue and cost to be confirmed.
Printing your Image
In addition, the Kent federation has kindly extended an invite to join them for a one-day workshop with Fotospeed & Epson covering all aspects of digital printing. This will take place near Maidstone on Saturday 17th May. Tim will forward further details as soon as he has them.
Whitton Photographic (our neighbouring club) has an Exhibition of work from 5th to 24th April at Whitton Community Centre, Percy Road, TW2 8JL
Dates are times of opening (Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays only) are on their website and it would be good to support them :- https://www.
And last: RPS London Region Annual Exhibition 26th – 30th March, Espacio Gallery, 159 Bethnal Green Road, London, E2 7DG (just east of the North end of Brick Lane)
Three members – Simon, Judy and David H – have images along with 112 other RPS London Members. Open evening is Thursday 17th March, 6.30 to 9pm. More details of exhibition here and open evening here

We look forward to seeing you many of you on Wednesday evening in The Bell. Any questions please contact me by email in the usual way.
Best tegards, David
David Hicks
Chairman, Hampton Hill Photographic Society