Image: (c) Anthony Lau       


Wednesday 18th September at 8.00pm
At the Bell Inn, Hampton
A talk by Anthony Lau, 2016 winner of National Geographic Photographer of the Year
Anthony Lau, Winner of the National Geographic Travel Photographer or the Year Competition 2016, will present work from Mongolia & Svalbard. We hope to see the image/s which won him the prestigious title and also some of his latest work!
Anthony writes of his Svalbard images: “In my latest series, I delve into the tranquil relationship between landscapes and wildlife using a panoramic approach. This technique is my preferred method, as I believe it broadens the viewer’s perspective, offering an immersive experience that fully captures the dynamic elements of the High Arctic and the delicate balance between life and its environment”.

Anthony was born, raised and educated in Hong Kong and, until his success in the National Geographic contest, he earned his living in the corporate world but in 2019, he gave up the corporate life to become a freelance photographer. Check out his website ( to see more of his work and find out more about him.
The meeting will be in person in the Bell Inn at 8.00pm as usual.  Anthony will present to the meeting via zoom
Members do not need to Register.
Non-members are requested to sign up here or by e-mail or just show up on the night!
The guest fee for this meeting is £5.00 to be paid on the night.


Wednesday 21st August at 8.00pm
A very interesting talk by Paul Baldesare, a London photographer whose work has been regularly published and exhibited and is in public and private collections. He has carried out several long-term social documentary projects since 1983 and received an Arts Council National Lottery Grant in 1997-8 to continue his English Carnival project.
Paul showed us work from the London Underground in both BW and colour covering a period of 20 odd years. The second half was again a selection of medium format colour project work from the English Carnival project to Oxford Street and the City of London – a ten-minute slide show of each.
Members very much enjoyed Paul’s work, which is a social documentary of our time in the style of Martin Parr and others of that era.
Thank you to HHPS Member Gerard Linehan for the introduction and recommendation.

Wednesday 16th October – Quarterly Picture-sharing – bring along some images to share and discuss.  Maybe you’ve been to new places and met new faces this summer!

Wednesday 20th November – Speaker to be confirmed

Wednesday 18th December – Christmas Competition and Social See below.

It’s never too early to plan:

SPA Individual Print & PDI Competition is on Saturday 02 November 2024:  Entries must be uploaded to the site by Saturday 12 October.

Our own Christmas Competition and Social, which will be on 18th December at The Bell.  Subject for the competition is “Macro and Close-Up” – so time to practice the techniques which were introduced to us at our May Meeting by Derek Gale.

Our Exhibition in January 2025 will be at the Teddington and Hampton Libraries:  let’s make this the best show ever!

And,  The London Salon of Photography Exhibition is back in London for the first time since the pandemic.  It can be visited at The Camera Club, Kennington, from now until 5th October.   Link here:

You may also interested in this summary of the Best Photography Exhibitions in London too:  We miss you… (   A few have now closed but most are still current:  good to have this list in your pocket for these rainy days!
We look forward to seeing you many of you on Wednesday evening in The Bell.   Any questions please contact me.

Best regards, David

David Hicks
Chairman, Hampton Hill Photographic Society